The Governance System

Everyone loves to talk about DAO and public governance. We love and fully embrace the concept. Our main concern is to fully protect our players and client game developers, and the best way to do that is to start with a centralized governance anchored to a simple, transparent, and enforceable set of rules.

The form of democracy is the Federal Republic, ruled by a specific, 11Metaverse backed, entity called Star Federation.

Federal Level is empowered for the protection of players, leaving the rule of every Metaverse to the specific game developer. Each Metaverse will thus have its own in-game rules, but junior to the three Federation Directives who will supersede any in-game rule. The Directives are unchangeable and will survive everything.

First Directive

Star Federation will protect the fundamental rights of every player, streamer and content maker, including full ownership of assets, full usability of acquired or conquered assets through the entire arcade, and Intellectual Property.

Second Directive

Every Metaverse on the platform will be ruled by the respective game developer on rules and conditions of wish, except where such rules would conflict with the First Directive.

Third Directive

As token adoption will raise and spread, and distribution among gamers and stakers will be adequate, Star Federation will progressively shift toward a Decentralized Governance, ruled by native tokens (one token one vote), as long as such migration does not conflict with the First or Second Directives.

Last updated